Acme Thread Gage Manufacturer For Oil & Gas Industry

oil rig testingPrecision Acme Gages For The Oil & Gas Industry

For more than 65 years, Gage Assembly has been a family-owned business, committed to providing the finest acme thread gages that the industry has to offer. Utilizing the highest quality steel and production methods, we have always strived for precision tolerances and long-lasting gages.

As a proud member of the National Association of Manufacturers, we produce carefully crafted acme gages for a wide variety of customers, including the Oil & Gas industry.

From its origins in the 1890s, the acme thread has been used in applications where strength and durability were critical to ensuring both human and equipment safety. In the Oil & Gas industry, acme threads are used extensively in valves, connected threaded fasteners and heavy load applications. It is crucial that workers be able to depend on our products to help them do their jobs properly.

Gage Assembly manufactures both plug and ring gages and can evaluate the following aspects of threads with great precision.

  • Pitch diameter
  • Thread angle
  • Thread lead
  • Major diameter clearance

Whether it be out in the field or at a manufacturing facility, you can have confidence that our acme gauges will ensure that threads fasten perfectly, with outstanding tolerance and no shake or play. If you are in oil country, Gage Assembly thread gages are available in a wide variety of diameters, from 000-120 threads per inch to 15.5 inches, with 1 thread per inch.

What Makes Gage Assembly Unique

We believe that we produce the finest acme gages that the industry has to offer. Here are some key differentiators about Gage Assembly that helps us stand out in the marketplace.

  • Third Generation Family Business – From our founding in 1953, our company has been family owned and we take great pride in the products that we produce. We put our family’s reputation on the line with every gage that goes out into the field.
  • Specialized Steel – We use graphitic tool steel for a superior quality product and a much longer gage life. Our acme gages are also both heat and cold treated to ensure outstanding stability.
  • Hard Chrome Plating – Our plating process is designed to promote longer wear and durability. We are confident that our gages are the most rugged in the industry.
  • Root Relief – Our acme thread gages are root relieved for greater accuracy and longer life. Root relief assures that the flanks of thread are all making proper contact.

Since 1953, Gage Assembly has been producing thread gages for the use in the oil and gas industry. These thread plugs and thread ring gages have been manufactured to ensure precision thread performance, safety, and accuracy.

We guarantee our gage pitch diameter to be in the upper half of the gage maker’s tolerance chart.

We also offer a variety of other gages, including cylindrical and buttress. Contact Gage Assembly today to learn more about why we have been the Gas & Oil industry’s single-source solution for precision acme thread gages.